I recently got a new wide angle lens for my camera that I tested out while I was up visiting family for the holidays in Philippi, West Virginia. The good thing about this region is the lack of light pollution, which made for beautiful photos. One of my best friends who is an extremely talented photographer taught me how to star hop a few months back, and it's become extremely helpful when looking up and immediately noticing where certain celestial objects are in the night sky. Yeah, I know it's pretty easy to pull out your phone and track these with an app, but it's fun to know where some things are and hop to another. I always remember the ones pictured below now.
If you look up at the night sky and immediately notice Orion's belt, you can go north a bit until you see a bright red object which is Aldebaran, a red giant star. Going north even more, you will notice the Pleiades Cluster above it.